Sasha Lantukh’s Design Practice

Georgetown University Academic Editorial Design

Project Information:
Sector: Academia
Discipline 1: Infographics
Discipline 2: Editorial
Discipline 3: Data visualisation Location: Washington, D.C.


The HIV Policy Lab is a collaboration of Georgetown University, UNAIDS, GNP+, and PEPFAR. It is an online tool that will track global policy progress towards ending the AIDS epidemic.

As part of this project we’ve visualised a massive spreadsheet containing around 100 points worth data for each of the 30 countries into a comparative overview poster showing the level of adoption for each policy area in a given country.

As part of this ongoing project we’ve also designed the series of reports, briefs, white papaers, and infographics to showcase this unique research in its best lght possible.



Best Practices for Community-Led Monitoring 2022

Designed as part of the Studio SS partnership

Global HIV Policy Report 2022

Global HIV Policy Report 2020

Other Case Studies

UI Branding Product Design Branding UI Product Design Icons Web Design Church Branding Infographics Web Design Web Design UI/UX Design Branding Branding Web Design